
Please read each policy thoroughly before signing your contract.

Contact me at tk@taneishatucker.com if you have questions or concerns. 


A 50% retainer is due at the time of booking to secure your date. The balance is due 5 days before your scheduled session. Your contract must be signed, and session balance received prior to your desired date, or your session will be subject to cancellation. No date is secured without a signed contract and retainer.

Payments may be made using cash, credit card, and PayPal. With certain payment types, there is an additional service fee which will be charged to you. Once the retainer is paid, no additional client can be booked for that time. Retainers are non-refundable and non-transferrable, but may be applied to a session booked within the next six months. Retainers are valid for no more than 6 months after the date of payment. Retainers that have not been redeemed after 6 months are no longer valid.



If you must cancel your session, please contact me as soon as possible (no later than 48 hours prior) so that we can reschedule for the next available date. Cancellations that take place under 48 hours are subject to a $100 rescheduling fee. You are also limited to one rescheduled date. If a second reschedule is requested, you will be invoiced a $100 rescheduling fee, otherwise your session is subject to cancellation.



If there is inclement weather the day of your session, we will reschedule your session to the next available date, or a suitable indoor location will be offered. If you prefer not to reschedule, you will forfeit the 50% retainer as it is non-refundable and non-transferrable.



Please arrive early for your session, dressed and ready to begin. There is an allotted time for your photo session and if you are tardy, you will reduce the time we have for taking photos. If you cannot avoid being late, please call at least one hour in advance of your session time. I will let you know if I can accommodate you or if we need to reschedule. If you are more than 30 minutes late, your session is subject to cancellation without refund. 


When you receive your gallery link, please download your images immediately. The link opens the gallery for three weeks. If the gallery expires and you have not downloaded your images, you will be invoiced a $50 re-archival fee which must be paid before the gallery is reopened. Galleries are for viewing and downloading images only. Sharing screenshots of your gallery is a copyright violation.



All images will be retouched before you receive them. Retouching includes the removal of minor blemishes, small spots or scratches and small bruises. Any additional retouching is considered extensive and is subject to an editing fee that will be billed to you. Extensive retouching can be discussed to determine your best options.


The full price of the album is due before it is designed. After the initial design is completed, you are allowed one free revision. Additional revisions are $50 per occurrence. All albums must be approved in writing before they are ordered. Allow 3 to 6 weeks for delivery.    



Your images are for personal and/or professional use only(depending on the session booked). If you desire to use your images commercially(i.e. use in a direct for-profit manner- book cover, merchandise, etc), you will be charged a licensing fee. Licensing fees are determined based on the way the image(s) will be used.

Unless otherwise stated, you grant permission to Taneisha Tucker Photography to include portraits from your session in my portfolio. If the request is made for your images not to be included in the portfolio, this will be honored and noted on your contract. Please credit Taneisha Tucker Photography or Taneisha Tucker when sharing your images. When sharing on social media, please credit @taneishatuckerphotography.